
Back Again

Here again after 14 months (See my first visit here.) , it's already been a silvery world. 

Snowflakes are dancing in the air. The powdery snow glares like broken glass, touching everything as if all of the trees and lawns were made of light, as if there were no such thing as darkness.

The gentle and magic snowy land and the pure water are weaving together, making this sacred lake a more sacred place. 

Photographs taken at Crater Lake National Park.

Like No Place Else On Earth

As I got into my car to leave, I was planning how to come back.

It has been two weeks and I still can't forget the moment I dip my finger into that crystal clear water in the crater lake. 


 I try to go back to this place in my memory when I lay in bed awake early in the morning. I try to remember the colors of the sky, the limpid of the water, the sounds of nature and vastness of view. I try to remember that all that is good is all that ever was.

The photographs are all that remain of my fading memories now.

Crater Lake National Park is one the national parks located in Oregon.  It protects the deepest lake in the United States.